Research Overview

Dr. Mark is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology at Duke University Medical Center, Vice Chief for Academic Affairs in the Cardiology Division, and the Director of the Outcomes Research Group, a 100-member multidisciplinary research team in the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI). He has been on the faculty at Duke since 1985.

The principal goal of his work over the last two decades has been to improve the scientific basis for diagnostic and therapeutic clinical management of patients with coronary artery disease. His major accomplishments include developing empirical tools for defining appropriate use of invasive diagnostic procedures, defining the appropriate use of revascularization therapies, relating international differences in patterns of care to different medical and quality of life outcomes, and defining the value of new pharmacologic and device technologies in cardiovascular medicine.

Research Areas

Dr. Mark's research includes health economics.

Dr. Mark’s work in health economics includes examining resource consumption, geographic variation, technology assessments, and cost-effectiveness analysis.

Dr. Mark's quality of life research

Collecting patient-reported outcomes alongside clinical outcomes in clinical trials helps patients and their doctors understand the burden of disease and the impact of treatment selection on quality of life.

Appropriate clinical trial methodology and the disciplined use of statistical analyses are critical in the evaluation of cardiovascular care.